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Find A Ride Sharing Information and Transportation

Content and picture from:  Putnam County Sentinel

On Thursday, May 16, People First invited Kerri Cox and Ashley Wildermuth with Find A Ride to come speak at their meeting. They provided information on transportation to promote self-advocacy. Self-advocacy is the act of speaking up for oneself and one’s interests. The presenters explained to the attendees the transportation options available to them for medical appointments, to work or a day program, and other transportation needs. They also described how individuals can access services on their own or through their Service Support Administrator at the Putnam County Board of DD.

What is find a ride?

  • We offer transportation for individuals over the age of 60, and for individuals                         with of any age with disabilities.

  • We can help link any individual looking for help to the transportation option                           that is right for you.

  • We request that you call at least 48 hours prior to your appointment when                  requesting a ride.

  • We use contracted transportation companies to provide transportation services.



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