Submitted by: Stacy Moore, Care Coordinator
Husband and wife, Carl and Nancy, receive meals through the Area Agency on Aging 3’s Home Delivered Meals program. Carl also receives services under the agency’s Care Coordination Program due to his limited ability to perform daily activities such as bathing, dressing, transfer, etc. Carl has been receiving personal care services through the program since 2013.
Earlier this year, during the statewide shut down because of COVID-19, Carl and Nancy struggled in being able to make their own meals and had limited support in accessing groceries. The couple was referred to the agency and set up with Home Delivered Meals funded through federa
relief dollars. However, the couple had no stove as it recently had broken and did not own a microwave. The agency referred the family to the Silver Birch Foundation and were able to fund the purchase of a new microwave that could be picked up at a local small business appliance store near them.
Both Carl and Nancy enjoy and appreciate the meals. Carl especially, since Nancy assists in caring for their grandson, Carl can easily heat his meal up when Nancy is not available. The couple have a limited income and having these meals has helped them tremendously to save on the need to purchase groceries. Carl stated that the meals allow them to get their daily protein requirements. Carl has struggled with diabetes and having prepared meals has helped Carl to eat healthier and regulate his body.
If someone you love or know is unable to prepare their own meals or does not have access to food they otherwise would because of the pandemic, please reach out to the Area Agency on Aging 3 for further information at 419-222-7723.