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Individual Thankful for AAA3's Help

Submitted by: Denise Lemmon, Care Manager Care Coordination Program Dementia Care Specialist

Since January 2021, Brenda have been receiving services through Area Agency on Aging 3’s Care Coordination Program.

She states she would not be able to live on her own without this program. It takes her all day to get around some days. Some days all she can do is stand to wash the dishes in her sink. She cannot cook on her own due to not being able to feel pain, so she is super thankful for Home Delivered Meals

This program provides information and access of home and community-based services for individuals who are at risk of needing institutional care.

Brenda was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration and the Area Agency on Aging was able to step in and lend hand to help Brenda in her endeavors. Brenda shares that, “Area Agency on Aging 3 has been a big help and we are not sure what we would do without it.”

Through the program, Brenda receives incontinent supplies, received a hospital bed and a lift chair and receives an aide a couple times a week to provide some temporary relief. Brenda is sooooooooooo thankful for the help Area Agency on Aging has provided this past year.

She has a good Case Manager that she really likes, we can really talk she states and I really like her. I also loved Stacy Moore when I had her too, she also states.

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