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OHCW Helps 14-yr old to Remain at Home

Submitted by: Kris Romo, LSW - Ohio Homecare Waiver Program Care Manager

Landon is 14 years old and a very happy child all of the time, with a big smile on his face. Landon lives with his 2 younger sisters and parents and loves to go to school and spend time with his peers. Landon does have developmental issues, but has not let that stop him at trying new things or enjoying life.

Landon has had to do his schooling this year at home due to covid-19, which has been a struggle for him. Landon's family is very supportive of him and assists with any needs that he has. Landon is non verbal, and expresses himself by using his eyes to make choices - example 1 blink for NO and 2 blinks for YES, or if given two options, he stares at the item he wants when both are put before him. Landon last year received button in which they are programmed with automatic responses like “I want more” and can be changed to fit Landon’s needs.

Landon was diagnosed at 6 months of age with Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome and cerebral palsy. Landon has very little muscle mass (caused by the Menkes). He also has significant Urinary problems and kidney stone issues on a regular basis and lost the ability to urinate due to neurogenic bladder and bladder diverticulum. In September of 2017, he had surgery to create bilateral ureterostomies to bypass his bladder to help prevent frequent bladder infections due to his stones.

Since Landon has been with the Ohio Home Care Waiver Program he has been able to remain at home. Landon receives nursing services which continues to ensure he is cared for while his mother is able to then care for her other children. Landon continues to grow and is wonderful to see how much joy he brings to those who get a chance to meet him.

Landon is a teenage boy who loves the interaction he receives from others. Landon’s siblings keep him busy and his youngest sister, Kate does a lot of talking due to being 2 years old. Landon’s parents are very thankful for the support they have received from Area Agency on Aging 3 and the services that are provided.

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