Story submitted by: Emily Taylor, Director of Wellness and Support Services
In late August, while conducting a compliance visit to one of the Senior Farmers’ Markets, our staff was introduced to an individual who was there purchasing produce with her Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program coupons. The woman shared how much she appreciated the coupons and that she had just used her last coupon.
“The coupons have been wonderful, I wouldn’t be able to get these without them,” she stated pointing out the fruits and vegetables the market employee was carrying to her car.
Many Recipients of the program have also reported that receiving the coupons has allowed them to have an increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
In 2018, 400 individuals were able to be enrolled onto the program and each received $50 worth of coupons to spend at participating roadside stands and farmers markets. In this same year, 28 farmers participated in the program accepting coupons at local roadside markets and community sponsored farmers’ markets.
The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and administered through the Ohio Department of Aging in partnership with the Area Agency on Aging 3. The program runs mid-May through the end of October and provides low-income older adults with coupons which may be redeemed at participating farmers’ markets to purchase locally grown produce.
If you are a local produce farmer who would like more information on the 2019 program, please contact the Area Agency on Aging at 419-222-7723.