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Volunteering Comes Natural

Written by: Miranda Ridenour,

Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Project Director

Melida is one of our Area Agency on Aging 3 Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers and has accomplished many things so far in her life. For Melida volunteering became natural to her at an early age of 16 yrs old. Melida’s first volunteer duties were with the Girl Scouts/Brownies she worked closely and assisted with the Troop Leader in activities, crafts and projects.

Melida’s job for many years was a stay at home mother with her 5 children, while being a stay at home mother she also volunteered at her local library.

Melida attended college at the age of 42 and took courses in Accounting, Journalism, and Creative writing. Melida completed courses and received her certificate to teach religious education which she did for 9 years.

After a change in life Melida started working a full-time job with Service Master for 13 years. Her duties with Service Master included training new employees to help develop their people skills, working in sales for the company making new contracts and working with existing ones, also while handling the daily deposits and writing their quarterly newsletters.

Melida loves to write among her many hobbies she enjoys to keep busy and playing tennis. In 2011 Melida wrote a book titled “All Paths Lead to Glandorf” all the proceeds to her book were donated to the Local Putnam District Library. This book is also used in one of the classrooms in Putnam County as a guide to teach children about each state, the capitals, etc.

For Melida reading and writing have always been a big part of her life, she has been a Literacy Volunteer with Putnam County Schools for 9 years now. In her time of being a volunteer she has seen how much it has helped and made a positive impact in different children’s lives. Children she began with 9 years ago still remember her to this day and will let her know how much she has helped them.

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